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Social Performance

At CMM we mine for progress. That means delivering progress for our people, host communities and countries and furthering economic wellbeing progress via the products and technologies we support and, most importantly for CMM, progress for broader human development.

We aspire to be a trusted member of the communities that host our operations by being open and transparent, showing respect for diversity and gender when engaging in decision-making processes that will affect current and future generations.

The suggestions, feedback and issues that matter to our stakeholders matter to CMM. We acknowledge the key role our operations play, alongside other partners, in supporting the economic livelihood, infrastructure and social development of both our host communities and the broader society in which our operations are based.

Social performance and stakeholder engagement

We recognise that ongoing, meaningful stakeholder engagement from exploration through to the cessation of our mining activities is critical in ensuring that our business decisions are responsive to the needs and expectations of our host communities and governments. We aim to partner with our communities and strive to maintain socially and culturally inclusive and proactive communication with stakeholders regarding future plans and performance. CMM’s commitment to the ICMM’s Mining Principles, including the commitment to community dialogue and position on free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) regarding Indigenous Peoples, guides our approach to stakeholder engagement. Our responsibilities regarding interactions and contribution to host communities are further defined in CMM’s Social Performance Standard.

Social development

The social and economic benefits we provide through our operations and their supply chains support our employees, shareholders, communities, regions and host countries to develop and prosper. This contribution comes through our payment of taxes, royalties, wages and employee entitlements; our purchase of goods and services; and through community sponsorship, support for local initiatives, benefit sharing and our direct investment in addressing the UN SDGs, with a focus 1–6:
In addition to improving access to health, education and other livelihood indicators, human development recognises the importance of managing vulnerability and building community resilience. Communities and countries must be able to withstand ongoing pressures around social and economic security, as well as the impacts of development and political instability. We seek to support our communities as they go through this journey and plan for a resilient, sustainable future.� 

Local employment

We are committed to the regions where we operate. We aim to share our success with our communities by providing local employment opportunities in conjunction with our suppliers and investing in training and education to help local residents gain valuable and transferrable skills. Local employment is a major contributor to socioeconomic improvements and is the foundation of positive engagement with local communities. Over time, we are developing local workforce capability and building broader community socioeconomic resilience.

Local supply and business development

The provision of goods and services across our operations is helping local suppliers to develop sustainable businesses. Where possible, we source from providers who meet our key selection criteria in safety, environment, quality, technical, social responsibility and commercial viability. Where gaps are identified, we aid our suppliers to take up future opportunities to grow their businesses and expand their offering to customers beyond CMM.

Grievance management

CMM engages with communities early and through all phases of our operations to ensure the views of all our stakeholders are reflected in decision-making processes regarding our operations and in the design and distribution of benefits. We recognise that there is always more we can do to listen to the needs, aspirations and opinions of communities, and to guarantee their timely engagement on issues that are important to them. We also recognise that our business has an impact, and that disagreements on the nature and extent of this impact, as well as our approach to managing it, can occur. Open and transparent dialogue is the best way to manage these disagreements and, if necessary, we involve government representatives and independent third parties to obtain lasting solutions that are beneficial to all. To facilitate the timely, culturally appropriate investigation and resolution of these matters, all CMM sites have a site-specific grievance procedure that aligns with the remedy provisions of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This process is non-judicial, complements existing legislative remedies and provides redress for grievances that are related to:

  • CMM’s impact on stakeholders;
  • the conduct of CMM personnel and contractors in local communities; and
  • allegations of human rights abuses.

All our sites have their own specific Stakeholder Grievance Management Work Quality Requirements, which are aligned with the ICMM’s guidance document Handling and Resolving Local-level Concerns and Grievances: Human rights in the mining and metals sector (2019), as well as the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the EITI and the United Nations Global Compact.

Portal links can be accessed here:

Relocation and resettlement

CMM recognises that project-related land acquisition, resettlement and relocation of families and communities, as well as restrictions on land use, can have adverse social and economic impacts for them. Unless properly managed, relocation and resettlement activities, and particularly involuntary resettlement, may result in long-term impoverishment, as well as environmental damage and social stress in the communities from which they have been displaced.

We anticipate and minimise any resulting social and economic impacts resulting from land acquisition and relocation or resettlement through our land acquisition process that:

  • achieves FPIC from impacted communities, including Indigenous Peoples, prior to the development of a major project;
  • provides enough time for relocation or resettlement planning and engagement;
  • involves experienced relocation or resettlement practitioners as early as possible in the process;
  • supports open and transparent engagement of communities throughout the relocation or resettlement process, and enables their effective decision-making on relevant issues;
  • provides a culturally appropriate and easily accessible dispute resolution process;
  • engages relevant stakeholders, including local government and agencies that have a critical role in supporting community infrastructure and service delivery; and
  • properly resources the relocation or resettlement process, including supporting livelihood restoration, enhancement activities and appropriate monitoring to make sure displaced communities normalise appropriately over time.

We respect human rights, land tenure rights and the rights of local communities. We recognise the need to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and our communities, ensuring the effective engagement of vulnerable and marginalised groups, and accounting for gender-specific impacts in any acquisition process.

Our operations avoid and, when not possible, seek to minimise the social, physical or economic displacement of communities by exploring alternative project designs.

Cultural heritage

Cultural heritage at CMM sites includes both cultural heritage and historical heritage.

Cultural heritage may include aesthetic, historical, scientific or social significance and can be tangible or intangible.

Intangible heritage may include: Tangible heritage may include:
  • Traditional knowledge
  • Cultural Expressions
  • Artisanal and Craft Skills
  • Oral Histories and Stories
  • Poetry and Languages
  • Social Habits, rituals and festivals
  • Traditional Skills


Immovable Heritage:

  • Historical Buildings
  • Monuments
  • Archaeological Sites

Movable Heritage

  • Paintings
  • Sculptures
  • Furniture

CMM recognises the significance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and actively engages with Indigenous Peoples in this regard. The commitment extends beyond tangible artifacts and archaeological sites.

CMM honours the rich cultural traditions, practices, and spiritual connections that define the regions in which we operate.

