CMM is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance practices demonstrated through an experienced Board, sound risk management and internal controls, and transparency and accountability to all shareholders. CMM applies the principles of good corporate governance as set out in the Corporate Governance Code of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and those of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).
To further enhance its corporate governance practices, the Board has approved a restructuring and re-constitution of its Board committees that came into effect from 4 December 2019. There are two standing Board committees after the restructure of the Board Committees, namely the Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Governance, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, for overseeing particular aspects of the Company’s affairs.
Through our committees we are able to ensure a high standard of business practice. Our Board-level Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Governance, Remuneration and Nomination Committee operate under clear terms of reference.
We also have a number of executive management committees that provide a forum for a more detailed analysis of key issues in managing the company. These include:
- Safety, Health, Environment and Community (SHEC) Committee;
- Disclosure Committee;
- Investment Review Committee;
- Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Committee and
- Code of Conduct Committee.
For more information on CMM’s Corporate Governance download our Corporate Governance Statement.�
Board Committees
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Mr Chan Ka Keung, Peter
Mr Zhang Shuqiang
Mr Xu Jiqing
Dr Peter Cassidy
Mr Leung Cheuk Yan
Download the Terms of Reference of the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
Governance, Remuneration, Nomination and Sustainability Committee
Dr Peter Cassidy
Mr Xu Jiqing
Mr Leung Cheuk Yan
Mr Chan Ka Keung, Peter
Download the Terms of Reference of the Governance, Remuneration, Nomination and Sustainability Committee.
Executive Management Committees
We also have a number of Executive management committees, including Safety, Health, Environment and Community (SHEC), Disclosure, Investment Review, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves and Code of Conduct.
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Committee
The Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Committee is responsible for overseeing the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves reporting process and ensuring its compliance with the Listing Rules and JORC Code.
The Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Committee reports to the Governance, Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Disclosure Committee
The Disclosure Committee is responsible for advising on disclosure obligations of the Company. The Company has adopted a Disclosure Framework to ensure its compliance with the disclosure obligations under the Listing Rules and the timely disclosure of inside information to the market.
The Disclosure Committee comprises the:
- CEO,
- Executive General Manager – Finance,
- Executive General Manager – Corporate Relations,
- General Counsel and
- the Company Secretary.
The Disclosure Framework requires employees to refer all information that potentially requires disclosure to a member of the Disclosure Committee.
The Disclosure Committee reports to the Governance, Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
The Safety, Health, Environment and Community (SHEC) Committee
The Executive Committee reviews safety, health, environment and social performance to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Specific Safety, Health, Environment and Community (SHEC) matters to be discussed by the Board include identification, review and governance of SHEC-related material issues, significant incidents, remediation/mitigation strategies and any specific areas of focus as identified by the Board.�
Shareholder’s Policies and Procedures
Shareholder Communication Policy
The Shareholder Communication Policy aims to ensure that effective communication between CMM Limited and its shareholders is maintained, and ready, equal and timely access to clear and balanced information about the Company (including its financial performance, strategic plans, material developments, governance and risk profile) is available to the shareholders to enable them to exercise their rights in an informed manner.
Download the Shareholder Communication Policy.
Procedures for shareholders
The following document outlines procedures for shareholder(s) of the Company to convene general meetings and nominate a person for election as a director of the Company.
Download the Procedures for shareholder(s) to convene general meetings / nominate a person for election as a director.
Articles of Association
Download the� CMM Limited Articles of Association. Chinese-language version available here.