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ESG and Compliance

CMM places a strong emphasis on responsible environmental and social performance, as well as effective governance of its operations. These commitments align with our growth strategy by achieving the following objectives:� 

  • Risk Management: We proactively manage reputational and regulatory risks associated with our activities.� 
  • Cost Control and Efficiency: By prioritising responsible practices, we aim to control costs and drive operational efficiencies.� 
  • Stakeholder Relationships: Building robust relationships with stakeholders is a key focus, ensuring transparency and collaboration.� 
  • Talent Attraction and Retention: our commitment to responsible practices enhances our ability to attract and retain talented employees.� 

ESG reporting and materiality� � � 

At CMM, we conduct a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-aligned materiality assessment to ensure that ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues that matter most to our stakeholders are accurately reported. Our annual CMM Sustainability Report provides a comprehensive summary of our approach and performance across material sustainability topics.� 

Key points regarding our sustainability reporting include:� 

Materiality Assessment: Our materiality assessment identifies and prioritizes ESG topics, risks, and opportunities that may impact our future business performance1.� 

External Assurance: Elements of our sustainability reports undergo external assurance, aligning with our commitments as a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).� 

Additional Information: For further details on CMM’s approach to health and safety, social performance, environmental performance, stakeholder relationships, and compliance with laws and regulations, visit our website at www.coppermm.com� � 

Corporate Governance� 

We maintain a high standard of corporate governance through several key practices. These include a quality Board, robust internal controls, transparency, and accountability to shareholders. However, our commitment to good governance extends beyond the Boardroom. Our executive management ensures that governance practices are embedded throughout the organization.� 

Key points regarding CMM’s corporate governance approach are as follows:� 

  • Principles of Good Governance:
    CMM adheres to the principles of good corporate governance outlined in the Corporate Governance Code of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and those established by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). These principles guide our decision-making processes, risk management, and overall governance structure.� 
  • Committees and Frameworks:
    Our Audit and Risk Management Committee and the Governance, Remuneration, Nomination, and Sustainability (GRNS) Committee operate under clear terms of reference. Additionally, we have various executive management committees, including the Executive Committee, Disclosure Committee, Investment Review Committee, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Committee, and Code of Conduct and People Committee.The Executive Committee specifically reviews safety, health, environmental, and social performance to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. The Board also addresses specific SHEC (Safety, Health, Environment, and Community) matters, including material issues, incidents, and remediation strategies.� 
  • Sustainability Framework
    CMM’s Board endorses and implements a Sustainability Framework across the organisation.This Framework was approved by the Board in 2023 and aligns with the ICMM’s Mining Principles and guides the identification, review, and governance of all sustainability- related material issues across the business. � 
  • Informed Approach:Our corporate governance approach is informed by various policies, including the Corporate Governance Policy, People Policy, Shareholder Communication Policy, SHEC Policy, and Human Rights Policy. While there is no universal formula for good corporate governance, CMM emphasises compliance with internal standards, as well as external obligations set by the CG Code of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and the ICMM.� 


The Governance, Remuneration, and Nomination Committee holds the responsibility for formulating and evaluating the Company’s policies and practices related to corporate governance, including the Code of Conduct. Additionally, the committee oversees CMM’s adherence to the Listing Rules and other relevant legal requirements.� 

Meanwhile, our Executive Committee diligently monitors our performance, ensuring alignment with the Group’s policies, standards, and regulatory obligations concerning safety, health, environment, and community matters.� 

Business ethics

Our core values and Code of Conduct play a pivotal role in nurturing enduring stakeholder relationships with communities and other relevant parties. We have established formal structures to guide our review and response to any potential behavioural, ethical, or cultural issues that may arise.� 

Code of Conduct Oversight� 

CMM’s Code of Conduct outlines behavioural standards for employees, contractors, and suppliers. It covers areas such as conflict of interest, fraud prevention, anti-corruption measures, and legal compliance. The Code of Conduct and People Committee, chaired by the Executive General Manager of Corporate Relations, oversees the implementation and adherence to this code. We engage an independent confidential whistleblower service, and the Whistleblower Framework is integral to our Corporate Legal Compliance Standard. These mechanisms enhance protections for stakeholders who raise concerns.� 

Anti-Corruption Measures

All CMM employees, including management and directors, are informed about, and required to comply with the Code of Conduct and our Anti-Corruption Standard and Framework as a condition of their employment. Regular online training modules are available to employees and directors, supplemented by face-to-face training sessions.� 

Performance Monitoring

As part of our Sustainability performance indicators, we closely monitor progress against targets related to anti-bribery and corruption training completion rates and grievance response and resolution times. The CMM Executive Committee and Board, along with the Governance, Remuneration, Nomination, and Sustainability (GRNS) Committee, oversee these performance metrics.� 

Human Rights Challenges

We recognise that some jurisdictions where we operate present unique human rights challenges. To address this, we combine good governance practices with transparent initiatives, such as our participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Additionally, open and reciprocal discussions with host communities contribute to our commitment to responsible practices. Read more about CMM’s Human Rights Framework.� 

