Role of Board and Executive Committee

The Board comprises eight directors, of which one is an Executive Director, four are Non-executive Directors and three are Independent Non-executive Directors.

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CMM’s Board formulates the overall strategies and policies of the Group. It also ensures the availability of adequate capital and managerial resources to implement the strategies adopted, the adequacy of systems of financial and internal control, and the conduct of business in conformity with applicable laws and regulations.

The Board meets regularly and with a majority of directors present in person or through teleconference.

Role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

The roles of the Chairman of the Board (Chairman) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company are segregated to ensure their respective independence, accountability and responsibility.

The Chairman takes the lead in formulating the Group’s overall strategies and policies, ensures the Board’s effective performance of its functions, including compliance with good corporate governance practices and encourages and facilitates active contribution of directors in Board activities.

The Chairman also ensures that all directors are properly briefed on issues arising at Board meetings and have received adequate, complete and reliable information in a timely manner.

The CEO, supported by a management committee comprising himself and senior management (Executive Committee), is responsible for managing day-to-day operations of the Group and executing the strategies adopted by the Board.

The CEO is also accountable to the Board for the implementation of the Group’s overall strategies, and coordination of overall business operations.

Executive Directors and Executive Committee

The Board has delegated the management of the Group’s day-to-day operations to the CEO and his Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee is also required to report regularly to the Board on the progress being made by the Group’s businesses.

Our current Executive Committee.

Non-executive Directors

The Non-executive Directors (including the Independent Non-executive Directors) provide a wide range of expertise and experience and bring independent judgement on issues relating to the Group’s strategies, development, performance and risk management through their contribution at Board and committee meetings.

Our current Board of Directors.

Independent Non-executive Directors

The Independent Non-executive Directors serve the important function of ensuring and monitoring the basis for an effective corporate governance framework.

Their participation provides adequate checks and balances to safeguard the interests of the shareholders.

Our current Board of Directors.
