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Human Rights

CMM is committed to respecting the human rights of all our employees and contractors, workers in our supply chain and the communities in which we live and operate. � 

Our approach is aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas, the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Mining Principles.� � 



Our commitment to respect human rights is outlined in our Human Rights Policy and we integrate human rights considerations into our Code of Conduct, our Supplier Code of Conduct, policies, frameworks, standards, work quality requirements, processes, risk assessments, training and grievance mechanisms.� � 

We are implementing ongoing human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for human rights risks and impact. We adopt engagement and consultation processes that ensure the meaningful participation of affected and potentially affected rightsholders including provisions for culturally and linguistically diverse groups and vulnerable groups.1 We also recognise that human rights defenders have an important role to play informing our human rights due diligence processes.� 

We provide effective grievance mechanisms including our Whistleblower Service and our site’s implement site specific grievance mechanisms to enable our stakeholders to report instances of improper conduct without fear of intimidation or reprisal:� 

Portal links can be accessed here:� 

We are committed to providing for or cooperating in remedy where we identify that we have caused or contributed to an adverse human rights impact and considering the role we may play in remediation where we are directly linked to an adverse human rights impact.  � 

Human rights are represented at a corporate level by the Executive Code of Conduct and People Committee as well as the Governance, Renumeration, Nomination and Sustainability Committee (GRNS) of the Board, which are charged with confirming compliance with our Voluntary Principles Initiative (VPI) action plan, Modern slavery action plan, legislation across our entire business, and reviewing any human rights grievances received through grievance mechanisms. CMM human rights working groups have been established in Peru, the DRC and Australia to further support this work in collaboration with the Code of Conduct and People Committee.� � 

Through our ICMM membership we contribute to the development of joint industry and civil society guidance on human rights issues such as FPIC and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. We also participate in ICMM-convened member discussions and peer learning on a wide range of business and human rights issues, including the role of business regarding civic freedoms and human rights defenders. Las Bambas is also an active member of the Human Rights Committee of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy. We recognise that human rights cover a broad range of interrelated issues, requiring an integrated approach accross our business.� � 

Employment� � 

We respect the labour rights of our employees, contractors and workers in the supply chain including rights related to health and safety, non-discrimination and harassment, freedom of association and collective bargaining, wages and working hours.� � 

We reject any form of modern slavery, including forced or child labour and work to ensure that such practices are not in our business or supply chain. Our supply chain teams undertake regular modern slavery risk assessments to prioritise their approach to identifying and assessing modern slavery risks in the supply chain. Further information can be found in our Modern Slavery Statement.� 

Health, Safety and Security� � 

We are committed to the safe operation of our assets, including respecting the livelihoods, health, safety and wellbeing of the communities in which we live and operate.� � 

In relation to security related human rights risks we operate in accordance with the VPSHR and require our private security companies to be signatories to or agree to comply with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers. CMM has been a full member of the Voluntary Principles Initiative (VPI) since May 2022. Further information about our performance can be found in our VPI Annual Report.� � 

Social impacts� � 

We seek to prevent and minimise our adverse social impacts throughout the lifecycle of our operations. We have implemented processes to manage the potential for human rights related risks regarding land access, resettlement, cultural and historical heritage and artisanal and small-scale mining.� � 

Our Social Performance Standard requires all sites to conduct Social Baseline Studies and undertake a Social Impact and Opportunities Assessment (SIOA) at the commencement of operations and with any material change in operations or at a minimum of 5 years.� 

Environment and climate change� � 

We seek to prevent and minimise our adverse environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of our operations. We have implemented processes to manage the potential for human rights related risks regarding closure, water stewardship, tailings, biodiversity, ecosystems and pollution and waste.� � 

Our Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) Performance Standard requires all sites to conduct environmental baseline studies and develop a plan to manage through the Life of Asset.� 

We recognise the connection between human rights and environmental impacts including climate change and work to minimise our environmental impacts and support the global transition to a low carbon economy.� 


1: A group that has specific characteristics that make it more at risk of health, safety and economic challenges (e.g., may include Indigenous Peoples, human rights defenders, households headed by women or children, people with disabilities, the extremely poor, the elderly, religious and ethnic minorities, migrant workers, minorities, LGBTQ+ and gender-diverse people, and in some societies, women).
