Shareholder Information
Share Registry
CMM shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.� Our share register is managed by Computershare Hong Kong:�
Hong Kong Investor Services Limited�
46th Floor�
Hopewell Centre�
183 Queen’s Road East�
Hong Kong�
T +852 2862 8628�
F +852 2865 0990��
Shareholder Policies and Procedures
Shareholder Communication Policy
The Shareholder Communication Policy aims to ensure that effective communication between CMM Limited and its shareholders is maintained, and ready, equal and timely access to clear and balanced information about the Company (including its financial performance, strategic plans, material developments, governance and risk profile) is available to the shareholders to enable them to exercise their rights in an informed manner.�
Download the� Shareholder Communication Policy.
Procedures for Shareholders
The following document outlines procedures for shareholder(s) of the Company to convene general meetings and nominate a person for election as a director of the Company.�
Download the� Procedures for shareholder(s) to convene general meetings / nominate a person for election as a director.
Replacement of Lost Share Certificate
For shareholders who require replacement of lost share certificates, please contact the share registrar of the Company,� Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited.�
Pursuant to the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong), the Company is required to publish notices in specified form on its website before replacement of lost share certificates.� Notices relating to replacement of lost share certificates of the Company are available here:�
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate
Notice of Cancellation of Original Share Certificate and Issue of New Certificate
Broker Research
Click� here� for a list of the brokers/analysts who maintain research coverage of CMM.�